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Wangankou Beach

Wangankou Beach


Mandarin Ducks Grotto

Mandarin Ducks Grotto is a valley which runs east and west. The valley and Maanshan, a saddle-like hill, face each other across the sea. Because of the terrain, the grotto was made a hidden place. During the Japanese Occupation, it became a secret naval base of suicide boats. Now most of the grottos where the boats were once hidden have collapsed. However, some relics are still faintly visible.


Tiantaishan is the highest hill on Wanganyu. The sea area nearby is the source of famous aragonite. The hill is also the best place to survey Wanganyu and Huayu. Under the sea cliffs on it's west side, there are magnificent basalt sheets have formed beautiful "Stone Flowers". On the west side, the wave-cut caves are another scenic wonder at the seashore.

Huazhai Ancient Residences

Huazhai Ancient Residences have remained for about three hundred years. It is one of those which are better-preserved. Among the residences, the most conspicuous one if the Zengs' residence. It's windows were made in the shape of a book and they also look like the trademark of Microsoft. Besides, the window lattices were built by laying red bricks to form the Chinese character "Zeng".

Wangankou Beach

The curved bay which extends for nearly one kilometer is the paradise for native kids and visitors to play in water. With clear sea water and golden sand, the beautiful beach and nights are like poets or lovers. Because the color of the sea water varies within a day, the beach is nicknamed "Mixology Beach".


In early years the local residents had made a fortune by gathering corals, and the isle hence became wealthy and flourishing. Arrays of houses piled against one another along the streets near the fishing port. Owing to the atmosphere of a port city, the islet was also praised as "Small Hong Kong".

Source of Article: Penghu National Scenic Area Administration

City Penghu County
Contact Information

Tourism Bureau Penghu County Government

Tel: 886-6-9274400

Penghu Visitor Center

Tel: 886-6-9216445、886-6-9216521#250,251

Location Penghu County

Ship Schedules

To take the ships at the pier at Penghu South Sea Visitor Center (It takes 5-15 minutes to walk from here to the city center of Magong.), you can buy tickets or make a reservation from cruiser companies or through travel agencies. Most of the cruiser companies running in South Sea provide free shuttle service.

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