Attractions Search Result

    Search result total: 17

    Water Activities1 Water Activities

    Hualien County has the Central Mountain Range to the west and Taiwan's most beautiful coastline to the east.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Recreation Areas1 Recreation Areas

    There are plenty of activities to choose from, Hualien is the island's most attractive destination.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Heritage1 Human and Cultural Heritage

    This busy Taoist temple is dedicated to the Heavenly Queen Mother. During the three main ceremonies, believers flock from all over Taiwan. Lantern Festival is held here every year with fun games and riddles for people. It is full of local charisma.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Heritage Part II1 Human and Cultural Heritage Part II

    Gongpu Ruins, located in Fuli Township,date back five to seven thousand years. There are more than then different prehistoric ruins in the township and are now listed as Third Grade Historical Buildings. It is also a representative ruin of the Beinan Cultural.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Forest Air1 Forest Air

    Taroko Gorge, chiseled and formed by the Liwu river, is a geological history itself. With the ascending of Central Cross-Island Highway, one can enjoy the seasons and climate changing as well as the landscape and the rich eco-system changes with the elevation.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Forest Air Part II1 Forest Air Part II

    Sixty Stone Mountain in Fuli Township and Chihke Mountain in Yulin Township are both famous for their hills covered with beautiful day lilies. Winding mountain roads overlook the stretches of magnificent flowers.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Xiulin Township1 Xiulin Township -- A canyon that must be visted

    As the Indian poet Tagore said,"I am happy to live in this great world!"Standing above the Taroko Gorge, We realize that humans are so insignificant. Let us humbly witness the wonders created by man and nature.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Xincheng Township1 Xincheng Township -- Bay, blue and poetic

    Tide flows,Spoondrift rides, In the fisheries Molamola dances,The golden past replaced by the blueness,Planes ready to rise and even pebbles gaze.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Hualien City1 Hualien City -- A bustling but slow-paced city

    Passing through Hualien,Figures of Central Mountain Range,Glittering from time to time in the tall but short buildings, The mountains share your happiness, The ocean shares your sorrow, This is Hualien City. A small, slow-paced city in between mountains and ocean with chilled peace and happiness.

    City Name: Hualien County

    Ji'an Township1 Ji'an Township -- A story which takes place tranguil plains

    Boundless plains at the foot of Qijiaoshan,Such a peaceful and serene name, Ji'an Telling stories of people moving around. Everything changes, time never stop,But mountains and rivers are always the same. History is hard to forget, Please slow down your steps, Experience the past and the present in another way.

    City Name: Hualien County

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